Alpha dollars
Alpha dollars is a general term used to define Alpha silver, gold and reward dollars and cents.
Alpha dollars are a private issue, debt and interest-free, complementary currency that act like money in their role as a unit of account.
One Alpha dollar is comparable in value and purchasing power to one cash dollar and their purchasing power, like Aust. dollars ("AUD"), is subject to the twin factors of supply and demand.
Alpha dollar interest free credit is available to users to finance purchases in instances where they have sufficient Alpha dollars in their account.
Alpha dollars are created through a mutual credit system. Alpha Management believes this system is the most beneficial system to create debt free currency.
Due to a demand in the marketplace for an increase in a circulating medium to supplement the existing AUD-Based monetary system, the Alpha Program will assist in boosting the Australian economy.
Participants use of Alpha dollars 'pump primes' the economy and activates the potential wealth of the community, increasing business activity, creating jobs, improving the individual’s quality of life and not for profits economic viability.
Those who promote to accept Alpha dollars towards payment or promote to pay Alpha silver dollars as an added value reward in incentivise AUD purchases through listings in the Alpha eMarket have an advantage over their competitors.
Businesses promote to pay and or accept Alpha silver dollars as an inducement to RETAIN their existing customers business and promote to pay and or accept Alpha silver dollars from other Program participants as an inducement to GAIN their business as opposed to discounting their offerings.
Businesses who subscribe to the Alpha eMarket Commercial Premium Plan can create listings in the Alpha eMarket promoting to accept and or pay a high percentage of Alpha silver dollars to increase AUD sales in times that are traditionally slow or a low percentage of Alpha silver dollars to slow down AUD sales in times that are traditionally busy.
Consumers may in turn spend the Alpha silver dollars RECEIVED from businesses for FREE as a reward, or BORROWED interest FREE, towards the purchase a growing range of products and services inclusive of vehicles, watercraft and property.
After businesses join the Alpha eMarket they are shown how to generate the Alpha silver dollars that they may use as an added value reward on a ZERO AUD outlay cost basis.
At the end of the day with all things being equal, the party who offers to pay and or accept the highest percentage of Alpha dollars will be the party who generates the sale.